
Classification of elastic belts

【Industry news】 Date:2023-03-20
Remove the rope as soon as possible without staining, wetting, or rain. Immediately wipe and wring it dry with a dry cloth. You can continue to wear it; Due to the human body temperature, the rope manufacturer recommends that if you want to collect the rope, it must be naturally dried or perhaps coated with leather oil to protect the rope and provide better home care.
The printing mold is a polyester or nylon screen (patterned plate) fixed on a square frame with a hollow pattern. The patterned areas on the pattern plate can penetrate the color paste, while the non patterned areas are sealed with a polymer film layer. During printing, the pattern plate presses the fabric tightly, holding the color paste on the pattern plate, and using a scraper to repeatedly scrape and press, the color paste reaches the surface of the fabric through the pattern. Flat screen printing has low production efficiency, but has wide adaptability and flexible application, which is suitable for small batch and multi variety production.
"First, you need two pieces of cloth, draw the width of the elastic band on the upper piece of cloth, and stitch the two pieces of cloth along these two lines. After the elastic band is threaded in, you can stitch the cloth ends together.". The so-called water slurry is a kind of water-based paste that is not strong in the feel and coverage when printed on clothes. It is only suitable for printing on light colored fabrics, with a relatively flat price, and belongs to a lower grade printing category.
Ribbon manufacturer
However, it also has an advantage, because it does not affect the original texture of the fabric, so it is more suitable for large area printing patterns. Features: soft feel, bright color~~However, there is a major disadvantage of water slurry. The color of water slurry is lighter than the cloth color~If the cloth color is darker, the water slurry cannot cover it at all
The required cloth must be the width of the elastic band plus a seam allowance of 2 centimeters. First, half the cloth and stitch it together. Then, use a pin to turn the sewn cylinder over to the front. Using the first method, thread the elastic band through and firmly stitch both ends together, which is the final effect. Draw the trajectory of the necessary elastic belt on the cloth, and then find out the intermediate points between the cloth and the elastic belt. That is, when dividing the cloth into two equal parts, remember to align the intermediate points and directly sew a straight line on the elastic belt.
Draw the trajectory of the elastic belt to be sewn on the cloth, and directly sew a straight line on the cloth. It is better to sew the lines than to sew. When sewing the back lines, it is necessary to use the thin elastic belt to tighten it. This time, it is only necessary to tighten it a bit when wrapping it as the bottom line on the shuttle. When the rope has a sour odor, quickly wipe the dirt with a soft bristled toothbrush dipped in a little nasal soap, quickly rinse with clean water, and use the method of "pinching and releasing" to squeeze out the soap foam. The process is completed in 15 seconds, which is comparable to good; Moreover, the natural air drying method or the use of a hair dryer distance of 15 centimeters (to avoid burning and deformation of the rope) is used to dry the rope to complete the comfortable care of the rope---- Ribbon Factory
Wenzhou Yuda Webbing Co., Ltd.All rights reserved
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